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Explain Goal Based Agent and Utility based Agent architecture with proper diagram

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2023 10:14 am
by quantumadmin
Goal-Based Agent:

A Goal-Based Agent is an intelligent agent that makes decisions based on achieving specific goals or objectives. It operates in an environment and takes actions to move closer to its desired goals. The agent's behavior is guided by a set of predefined goals or tasks it needs to accomplish. It assesses the current state of the environment and selects actions that help it achieve its goals.

Diagram of a Goal-Based Agent:

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  |                     |
  |     Goal-Based     |
  |        Agent        |
  |                     |
  |    Environment      |

In this diagram, the Goal-Based Agent interacts with the Environment. It receives information about the current state of the environment, processes this information, and selects actions to achieve its goals. The agent's decision-making process revolves around determining which actions will lead it closer to accomplishing its predefined objectives.

Utility-Based Agent:

A Utility-Based Agent is an intelligent agent that makes decisions based on maximizing its utility or overall satisfaction. Instead of working towards specific goals, a utility-based agent evaluates different actions based on the expected outcome's desirability or utility. It assigns a value to each potential action, representing how much it contributes to the agent's overall well-being or utility.

Diagram of a Utility-Based Agent:

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  |                     |
  |   Utility-Based    |
  |        Agent        |
  |                     |
  |    Environment      |

In this diagram, the Utility-Based Agent interacts with the Environment. It assesses the current state, predicts the potential outcomes of various actions, and assigns utility values to those outcomes. The agent then selects the action with the highest expected utility, aiming to maximize its overall satisfaction.

Both architectures involve decision-making processes, but the key difference lies in their focus. Goal-Based Agents work towards specific objectives, while Utility-Based Agents optimize decisions based on a measure of desirability or satisfaction. The choice between these architectures depends on the nature of the tasks, the agent's objectives, and the available information about the environment.